My Little Corner of the World


In his book Outliers, Malcom Gladwell asserts that to be an expert in something, one must have at least 10,000 hours working in that area. By that definition, I am an expert on teenagers. Having raised three myself and taught at the high school level for over ten years, I have seen and experienced a lot of teenagers.

I enjoy being around the energy teenagers exude. Teaching is one of the only professions that can make one feel simultaneously young and old. Students have asked me questions like, "Were you born in the 1800s?" But they've also told me I am "cool". I have learned to take both extremes with a grain of salt.

I have always enjoyed writing, and teaching gives me subject matter and endless opportunities to write about it.

I write: 

  • YA Fiction In fact, I've written a novel I'm seeking representation for in hopes it can be published. It features a strong female character based on mythology.
  • Women's Fiction I'm currently working on several projects.
  • Non-Fiction Articles about Family I write about what I know- the good and the bad. I try to be transparent about what has worked and what hasn't.
  • Non-Fiction Articles about Education I have taught long enough to have seen trends come and go. And I have tried a lot of management techniques, curricula, assessment techniques, and teaching styles. I write about what I've seen work and what I believe about current trends.
  • Non-Fiction Articles about Other Things Occasionally, I will come across something I feel passionate about, or I'm asked to write about various topics. I research and fact-check until I feel I have a good grasp on the topic, then I write.
I invite you to look around my blog, and I would love to hear from you about what you think or questions you may have.


